Best of luck to you and thanks for inadvertently reminding me that I need to join vidme.

Looking back, I just wasn't used to a microphone being able to record what my true to life voice sounded like. Inspired by the meticulous demands of studio engineers and record producers, Samson's C01U Pro USB Studio Condenser Microphone brings professional-quality. Try this.In a nutshell, it's under Device Properties once you navigate to the weirdly several paragraphs long Sound menu that must have been designed the same marketing intern who creates those Powerpoint presentations comprised of entire paragraphs that they read off the slide verbatim. My experience it’s the nature of a usb mic. Windows 10/11 has an idiotically non-intuitive UI. It didn't sound like I wanted it to either. As such, Samson invites you to experience the convenience, high-end construction and premium sound quality of the C01U Pro for recording or communicating on your computer. may need to work with adjust gain, or even give yourself 5 seconds of air time before speaking and use that to profile the hiss/white noise and use noise reduction. I remember being unhappy the first time I heard a recording of my voice on this mic. The C01U does tend to record flat, you could try messing aroudn by boosting some low end (or whatever you're looking for)with an EQ in post. I'm not sure what you're unhappy with but as a fellow Samson C01U user i'm going to guess that you'd like some of the lower range to come through more.

Always better to record at a low volume and turn it up later. Adding a pop filter will make place you back another inch or so anyway, which is a good thing. Normally I'd say that you're too close to that particular mic but it sounds like you do a good overall job of keeping your volume in check so you'll probably avoid clipping.